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Lesley Le Grange [5]Lesley Lionel Leonard le Grange [1]
  1. Ubuntu, Ukama and the Healing of Nature, Self and Society.Lesley le Grange - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s2):56-67.
    The erosion of the three interlocking dimensions of nature, society and self is the consequence of what Felix Guattari referred to as integrated world capitalism (IWC). In South Africa the erosion of nature, society and self is also the consequence of centuries of colonialism and decades of apartheid. In this paper I wish to explore how the African philosophy of ubuntu (humanness), which appears to be anthropocentric, might be invoked to contribute to the healing of the three ecologies—how healing of (...)
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    Spinoza, Deep Ecology and Education Informed by a (Post)human Sensibility.Lesley Le Grange - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (9):878-887.
    This article explores the influence of Spinozism on the deep ecology movement and on new materialism. It questions the stance of supporters of the DEM because their ecosophies unwittingly anthropomorphise the more-than-human-world. It suggests that instead of humanising the ‘natural’ world, morality should be naturalised, that is, that the object of human expression of ethics should be the more-than-human world. Moreover, the article discusses Deleuze’s Spinozism that informs new materialism and argues that stripping the human of its ontological privilege does (...)
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    A (re)turn to realism(s).Lesley Le Grange - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1594-1595.
    If postmodernism is/was a condition and poststructuralism an academic theory associated with it, then one might ask what condition characterizes contemporary life and what emerging theories might b...
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    Sustainability and Higher Education: From arborescent to rhizomatic thinking.Lesley Lionel Leonard le Grange - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (7):742-754.
    Currently, global society is delicately poised on a civilisational threshold similar to that of the feudal era. This is a time when outmoded institutions, values, and systems of thought and their associated dogmas are ripe for transcendence by more relevant systems of organization and knowledge (Davidson, 2000). The foundations of the modern era (including modern educational institutions) are under sharp scrutiny; the fragmentation of nature, society and self is evidence of the cracks in the foundations. In times of crises old (...)
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